Walmart On The Rio Grande

New Website Aids Campaign Against Proposed Development

Jessica Cassyle Carr
1 min read
Wal-Mart on the Rio Grande
Wal-Mart wants to build a new store here. (Photo from
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The fluorescently-lit caverns of despair known as Walmart Stores aims to build another one at Coors and Montaño. This is a particularly troubling notion due to the site’s proximity to the bucolic Bosque at Rio Grande Valley State Park, the Bosque School and master designer Antoine Predock’s first major project, La Luz. A big box store is inappropriate for the location for many reasons—aside from land use, traffic and crime are also concerns—and if the development comes to pass it represents a gut-wrenching lack of foresight and self-respect on the part of the city. Residents in the area don’t want the Walmart and have been fighting the retail behemoth for months. The Taylor Ranch Neighborhood Association, which has the support of dozens of other neighborhood associations from around the city, created as a source of information about the proposed dishevelment. If Walmart wins it diminishes the quality of life for all Albuquerque residents—not just the neighbors. Find out ways to get in on the fight here.
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