Wear Your Hoodie Wednesday

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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A friend who moved here from another part of the country told me he calls the hoodie the Albuquerque raincoat. I’d argue it’s our suncoat, too. And our hanging-out-at-home-coat or going-to-the-opera coat. Hell, put on two or three, and that’s blizzard-ready gear.

Well, tomorrow folks can break out the 505 all-weather, all-eras jacket of choice to show solidarity with Trayvon Martin.

Martin was walking home from a convenience store in Florida,
talking on his celly with his girlfriend, when he started to feel like he was being followed. He was approached by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, who shot and killed the African-American teen.

In a
911 recording, Zimmerman was advised not to follow Martin despite his suspicions. He did anyway. Zimmerman hasn’t yet been charged with a crime and says he was acting in self-defense.

People around the country are outraged and demanding the gunman be arrested.

Tomorrow demonstrators will gather in Union Square and march to the United Nations. Wednesday also marks the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

In solidarity, you can wear your hoodie, and upload a picture of yourself to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #millionhoodies. Or you can sign this petition on
change.org, which was started by Martin’s parents.
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