Webgame Wednesday: Bad Ice-Cream

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
Webgame Wednesday: Bad Ice-Cream
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I’m not quite sure what the definition of bad ice cream is. Like pizza and sex, ice cream is always pretty damn good in my book. As a game, though, Bad Ice-Cream casts you in the role of a roving ice cream cone. Not sure what makes you bad here. You’re just basically minding your own business, wandering the frozen tundra scooping up random fruit, Pac-Man style. Naturally, an assortment of troublesome creatures are trying to stop you. The addictive nature of this one comes from the small but ever-changing mazes, which require you to break down and build up ice walls along the way, creating your own pathways as you go along. Speed is good here, but strategy will get you further.
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