Webgame Wednesday. Girls Like Robots: Nerdfest

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
Webgame Wednesday. Girls Like Robots: Nerdfest
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Girls like robots. The cool ones, anyway. This fact is proven by the new Adult Swim game Girls Like Robots: Nerdfest. It’s really just a mini version of PopCannibal’s popular mobile gaming series. But this cute ‘n’ cartoony puzzle game is worth checking out in any form. Your object is to seat people at various events. You must follow certain rules, however. Girls, for example, like to sit next to robots. They don’t like to sit next to nerds. (Sorry, nerds.) Nerds don’t like sitting next to other nerds. Figure out the proper seating chart and it’s on to the next puzzle. Nerds!
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