What Ever Happened To Ashlee?

You Know, The Impish, Dreadlocked Former Lead Singer Of Ki?

Hillari Straba
1 min read
Ashlee’s feeling pensive
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So what happened to Ashlee? Why did she leave Ki? To be completely honest with you, I have no idea why she left Ki, but I can tell you where she is now.

Ashlee has joined Brandon, Kevin and Anthony (former members of Cica) to form the band Rosen Hymn. They sound like a crazy mixture of Portishead and Tool, which I’d say is a pretty awesome combination. If you haven’t heard of them, I would suggest checking out their myspace page. Or, if you’re one of those people living under a rock who doesn’t know what myspace is, they will be playing at two venues in Las Cruces (The Farm and El Patio) on March 9, so you could check ’em out there.
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