When Your Eyeballs Are Like Raisins, Then It’s A Drought. Maybe.

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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Remember when it didn’t rain for months, and the sun punched you during the day? And because of fires devouring trees in every direction, the moon glowed orange at night through the smokey haze?

I think the superheavy instrumental act Pelican sums it up nicely in this number. ——–>

But, more to the point, the Water Utility Authority is looking to change how it defines levels of drought. The utility bases drought on how much water we suck from the aquifer under our desert outpost. When the city drinks more than projected, officials can initiate a drought advisory, watch, warning or emergency. As the level increases in urgency, so do water-use restrictions.

But the utility is looking to change the game and proposed
new rules. If they come to pass, we’ll have to use up way more aquifer water before an advisory goes into effect. And water-use restrictions would not be tied to the level of drought that’s been initiated. Even if an emergency is declared, your neighbor won’t necessarily have to stop washing her Escalade for hours every afternoon. Instead, the board that oversees the utility will select from a menu of remedies and impose them on customers.

All this and more in this week’s news section.
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