White House Calls On Congress To Pass The Dream Act

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
White House calls on Congress to pass the Dream Act
(Jeff Drew jeffdrewpictures.com)
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The nation’s education secretary, Arne Duncan, has called two press conferences in the last 12 days in the hopes of lighting a fire under Congress about the Dream Act. Duncan says it has to happen during this lame-duck session before elected Republicans flood in on Jan. 3.

The act would forge a path to citizenship for people who immigrated here illegally at a young age, allowing them to attend college or serve in the military. Read our in-depth coverage here, and find out where New Mexico’s Congressmen stand here.

Duncan says it should be a nonpartisan issue. But if passed, the Dream Act could
shore up votes for Dems in 2012. Or maybe the GOP should make a grab for Hispanic voters and support the bill as well.
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