Hellboy’s hippie lovechildren, Sunbeam and Virgo, are active in the nude-cycling-for-change movement.
We’re all well aware of the fact that the ice caps are melting and the weather all over the world is rather unusual and somewhat apocalyptical (Tornados in Santa Fe? Seriously?), though most of us continue to live as if the Earth isn’t on its death bed. But not hundreds of people in East Sussex, England. To express how they feel about the world’s governments’ lack of efforts to stop global warming, these brazen Brits took off their clothes and took to the streets for the sixth World Naked Bike Ride. They ride their bikes naked to show that bikes and naked bodies are of no harm to anyone, unlike the car fumes are killing the environment. Even though I am guilty of driving a car, I’m thinkin’ of jumping on the naked bike bandwagon because it sounds like a fun way to make a statement on the current state of things.