Who Ya Gonna Call?

Jennifer Wohletz
1 min read
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I did the coolest thing last weekend. I was trolling around the net, looking for something, ANYTHING, to do besides go to the f’in bar, and I found this new “Full Moon Tours of Old Town Albuquerque.”

Yeah, I hear you—I absolutely hate going to Old Town during the day because it’s hot, crowded, touristy and makes me wanna break things and say bad words. However, the idea of going on a nighttime tour and hearing stories of ghosts, whorehouses, drunken brawls and more ghosts was quite appealing and hangover-free.

I and my companion, Ike, showed up at 10 p.m., paid about $20 each and spent the next two hours being entertained, and even scared shitless at a couple of points. I won’t spoil it for you, but there is a maxxed, turbo-creepy thing at the end. Anyway, check this thing out, because the tour is fun and the guides, Diana and Mykie, are actual ghost hunters, so they know their stuff. Web ’em at www.ToursOfOldTown.com or call 246-TOUR (8687).
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