Who’s Terrified Of Rides?

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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Not me. I love ’em. But the husbanator does not abide. He can barely watch me ride them.

I don’t know if it’s new or what, but the
State Fair is sporting an absolute monster visible from San Pedro. The seats are on the end of an arm, and you’re strapped in with your feet dangling. It spins your horizontally, and then the whole arm flips over and over so you’re going upside down, too. You can hear the people losing their lunches as you drive by.

Have any of you ever done that bungee thing (“Slingshot Thrill Ride”) where you shoot 220 feet into the air? It’s expensive, right? But if I could afford it, I’d be on it right now trying not to piss myself instead of at my desk getting carpal tunnel.

I double dog dare all of you to devour three deep-fried Oreos and then hit the midway.
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