Will Teach For, Well, Money Would Be Nice

Dear God, Is No One Safe?!?!?

Erin Adair-Hodges
2 min read
Will Teach for, Well, Money Would be Nice
Edward James Olmos would not stand for this.
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Marisa mentioned it in her Daily Word, but let’s expand on what, to me, is the true sign that we (humans living in, or having anything to do with, this country) are screeeewwwwed. Rio Rancho is asking its most qualified teachers to take an unpaid break from their jobs in the middle of the school year. That’s like an accountant coming in the middle of your surgery and saying, “Well, we don’t have the funds to pay this doctor, but we’ve got an X-ray tech here who’s done a lot of scrapbooking and is pretty handy with a penknife. Give it a go, Tonya.” And it’s not just Rio Rancho–UNM’s not not saying the jobs of part-time instructors and grad students are safe.

Daily Lobo article on this starts with Provost Suzanne Ortega’s assurances that things are gonna be okay, but this quote does little to convince me: "I can’t promise you, but we haven’t reached a single scenario where we’ll have to back out of our commitments to graduate students.” Oh. Good. But they are continuing with all construction projects, so that’s a thing.

Yes, I’m a part-time college instructor, so I’m scared. But how is having fewer teachers a solution to an economic crisis? Because of their giant, bloated salaries? Because the quality of an education increases when you put a shit-ton of kids in the same room?

I say we take it to the streets! I’m calling out all teachers and the taught — to the streets!!!!
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