This extremely blustery day has brought makes me hum the Winnie the Pooh song about the weather. While you clean the grit out of your teeth and off your contact lens, enjoy these less hazardous wind-oriented activities safely from the comfort of the indoors. The Wind Gods – Maybe if we knew how to appease them, they wouldn’t get so restless. Read up on the Greek and Hopi incarnations.Dust Devils on Mars – Scientists are studying the dust devils on Earth in order to more accurately map out climate models of Mars. You can also watch some 2005 footage of the Mars dust devils.Dust Devils on Earth – This storm chaser photographed lots of cool dust devils in Australia. In the Shadow of the Wind by CarlosRuiz Zafón, translated by Lucia Graves – Cozying up to an intriguing book can fight fall blues. This aptly titled windy day novel, originally written in Spanish, is set in late 19th century Barcelona and contains a mystery, a love story and a place called the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, where the young protagonist picks out a book called In the Shadow of the Wind. Days like this make it easy to take his lead. The Blustery Day of Adjectives – This word game is definitely geared towards the elementary-aged set but being outdoors is nearly unfathomable on a day like today, so kill some time and reacquaint yourself with those long-ago taught basic language skills. Leaf Blowers – The plus side is that at least the wind is doing most of your fall yard work for you. But should the gales not free you from raking and the like, here’s everything you could ever want to know about ridding your lawn of leaf corpses. Leaf Pile Jumping – Just in case your technique needs polishing.Kite Flying – Any brave soul who revels in this kind of weather can use it to play. You can build a box kite or buy a cool one.Winnie the Pooh in Swedish – Presumably Disney copyright has made it impossible for YouTube to have the "Blustery Day" bit in English. Have it in Swedish.