Yes Dear Part Iv

Jenny Gamble
2 min read
Yes Dear Part IV
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When I think about love, I think about my folks. They have been together for longer than most car manufacturers can go without a recall, and I think they define love for me. They are what I hope for in my quest for the guy to sit on the porch with someday on rocking chairs staring at the grandkids in the yard. They aren’t hanging all over each other, and baking pies, and smiling all the time. They aren’t the perfect Walmart or Zale’s definition of love. What they have is real love which I think is much better than poetic love. They respect each other. They listen to each other- most of the time. And when they don’t have anything nice to say, they say “yes dear.” I am fairly certain this line has saved my father’s life on numerous occasions. They enjoy each other, and sometimes they don’t, but they stick to it, and they share real love. My parents are my best friends, so I have heard both sides of the relationship, and I learn in those conversations. I learn how much bigger love is than just 2 people sometimes. Sometimes love has to embrace a family and be the glue that keeps them together. My parents’ love has shown me how important family is, loyalty, and listening. I have also learned how to shout, slam, pout, and sulk extremely well to boot!

See Part I
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