Yo! Alibi Wraps

Easter Egg Alert: Collect All Four Limited Edition Prints In This Week's Issue

Laura Marrich
2 min read
We wrap presents with non-collectible Alibi s, too. My favorite--George Bush with a bow in his hair--is regrettably missing.
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The best thing about the Alibi can’t be fully expressed on our web page. I’m all for the sensual experience of mussing up the creases in the paper, or laying ink to page for the crossword puzzle (Merv Griffin says he does three or four every morning), but, at least in this case, that’s not what I’m taking about.

Nope. As a rule, we love to sprinkle little surprises throughout the print edition of the paper. (
Alibi secret No. 1: Keep your eyes on the staff block listing on the Letters to the Editors page.) This week, there’s a really special treat in the issue–and it’s the first time we’ve ever tried it. In fact, we may be the first of any publication to do it.

We told you that the Last Minute Gift Guide has honest-to-god wrapping paper built into the design of the issue, commissioned from artists like award-winning Alibi designers Jeff Drew and Paul Sessa, local folk art treasure Steve White and legendary underground cartoonist M. Wartella .

What we didn’t tell you is that there are a total of four sheets in circulation, with two sheets in each
Alibi : That means each issue contains a different set of collectible wrapping paper. So, if you pick up an Alibi at the Hastings on Lomas, it should be different from the issues outside their Westside location. Snatch up an issue wherever you go this week and see for yourself! Happy wrapping.
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