You Are What You Eat

Laura Marrich
1 min read
You Are What You Eat
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The old axiom is proved appetizingly true yet again this weekend, as the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology presents the Food and Life Series. Two days of rumination on the historical intersections of food and culture start off with keynote speaker Gary Paul Nabhan, Ph.D., a conservationist farming and rural folkways advocate. The author of Why Some Like It Hot, Reviving America’s Food Traditions and Where Our Food Comes From , Dr. Nabhan speaks on Friday at 7 p.m. Then on Saturday at 1 p.m., paleoethnobotanist Lisa Huckell gives an overview of wild plants used by Southwestern cultures and how they can fit into our diets today. The series is free. Call the museum at 277-4405 if you’ve got questions.
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