Your Friendly Neighborhood Grammar Geek

Christie Chisholm
2 min read
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Part of my job here at the Alibi is to copyedit the entire paper. Because of this, somewhere, somehow, I recently got into a discussion with one of my coworkers on the scintillating topic of copyediting and said I'd pass some of my favorite “copyediting links” around the office. Apparently, they've proved useful and it was suggested that I share them with you fine folks. So, if you're a total grammar geek, a perfectionist, or just someone who likes to look professional and wants the answers to their burning copy questions quickly, this is the list for you. Keep in mind that it's just a quickie–but this is mostly what I use in my job (besides the AP Stylebook and The Chicago Manual of Style). Enjoy.

Online Dictionaries:

1. Merriam-Webster:

2. Go to Google and type: define:[enter the word you want defined here]. It searches a whole bunch of online dictionaries and comes up with all the results. Awesome.

3. Urban Dictionary (for all the slang you never knew existed):

Online Thesaurus:

1. Just one. It's all you need:


If you don’t want to buy a subscription to Encylopedia Britannica, be smart and use Film Editor Devin O'Leary's tip: Wikipedia:

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