Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
6 min read
I’ll start by apologizing. I just can’t resist a bad dog pun, and medical cannabis seems to be going to the dogs these days.Here’s the meat: The Medical Cannabis Advisory Board has received a petition to open the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program up to pets suffering from epileptic seizures. According to the Associated Press, the petition cites recent studies in veterinary medicine that recommend cannabis for animals coping with seizures and links to a YouTube video that shows an epileptic dog suffering from the illness. The petitioner says that authorizing cannabis for animals would minimize the danger of animal abuse (don’t ask me how) and provide new treatment tools to veterinarians.It’s all very sad, of course—and who can resist a sick dog video? But the whole thing has a certain … disingenuous odor about it. I might just be paranoid, but if we start letting puppies and kitties enroll in the state’s cannabis program, won’t that provide an opportunity for dubious pet owners to take their animals’ meds? I know we recently started letting Texans into the program, but surely we have to respect some kind of limit.I would roll my eyes about medicating animals with cannabis, but California already protects veterinarians who discuss cannabis with their patients’ owners and is currently considering a bill that would allow them to recommend medical cannabis for animals. New York is considering giving animals access to medical marijuana. Connecticut and Tennessee have proposed protecting vets who talk about cannabis.So I probably don’t know what I’m talking about. And to be honest: I’m really not all that concerned about someone trying to choke down their horse’s THC tablets, either. Maybe I’ve given into despair. Who knows?All of that being said: Blowing smoke into your sick pet’s face would definitely be considered animal abuse, and I would never ever in a million billion years encourage such a thing. Not even once. Ever.Unless their vet says it’s ok.