News On The Green

3 min read
(Freeman LaFleur / Chronic Stock)
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Greener Than 2019?

KRQE reports that New Mexico State Representative Javier Martínez (D-Albuquerque) is readying to pre-file a hotly anticipated bill that would legalize recreational cannabis in New Mexico, saying “I can’t wait for New Mexico to be next in line and be a leader in the country.” Readers of Weekly Alibi cannabis news coverage—whether this websclusive column, our stand-alone Cannabis Manuals or “Baked Goods” in our weekly print issue—are already familiar with the findings of the Governor’s Marijuana Legislation Working Group: everything from ensuring that all cannabis products are clearly labeled for accurate dosing and to maintain high product testing standards to imposing criminal penalties for cannabis sales to minors and vehicular consumption/DWI. If the Governor’s colleagues in the Legislature succeed in legalizing cannabis this year, New Mexico would join 10 states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) as well as the District of Columbia and—

Prairie State Recreates

As reported by NBC Chicago—and pretty much every outlet in the region that covers cannabis news—the first day of legal cannabis in Illinois, Jan. 1, found the state’s 37 dispensaries ringing up nearly $3.2 million in cannabis sales. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation reported that 77,128 transactions generated $3,176,256.71 in sales on the first day of a new decade. A statement issued by Toi Hutchinson, senior advisor for cannabis control to Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker, reads: “As we start a new decade, Illinois has achieved a monumental milestone, launching the legalization of cannabis in a way that includes communities left behind for far too long, creates good jobs and expunges thousands of records for those who have lost out on opportunities and ends prohibition.” Reason reports that consumers in Illnois will pay cannabis taxes in the national midrange, and they needn’t worry about their guns. In a Dec. 31 Facebook post, the Illinois State Police communicated that it “will not revoke Firearm’s Owner’s Identification Cards based solely on a person’s legal use of adult use cannabis.” Then again, “a person who is addicted to or a habitual user of narcotics is not permitted to possess or use firearms,” as the post continues, and any potential clarity on the issue is thoroughly muddled by a boilerplate reiteration of cannabis’ illegality at the federal level.

Freeman LaFleur / Chronic Stock

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