Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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While it might seem like common knowledge that smoking reefer can lead to an improved mood and bouts of the giggles, science is still trying to catch up. The War on Sadness has begun, and it should come as no surprise that cannabis will have a role to play. In fact University of New Mexico researchers say cannabis can have a positive effect on symptoms of depression within minutes of consumption. Imagine that.According to a UNM press release, self-reported data collected from the Releaf App—a tool used by researchers to conduct real-time surveys of cannabis patients—was analyzed to determine if cannabis had any measurable effect on depression symptoms.Patients were asked to rate their emotions and sensations on a scale of 1 to 10 only moments after consumption. The survey found that around 20 percent of cannabis use was associated with some negative side effects like feeling unmotivated, but the vast majority of users reported positive effects, including feeling happy, optimistic, peaceful and relaxed.The speed with which the effects kick in is notable, researchers point out. Conventional pharmaceutical medications for treating depression—like monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MOIs), tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)—usually take weeks or months to begin affecting patients. The side effects from these pharmaceuticals can sometimes be as bad as the illness, and many patients are forced to try multiple prescriptions before they find one that works for them.“With no end to the depression epidemic in sight, and given the limitations and potential severe negative side effects of conventional antidepressant medications, there is a real need for people to be able to treat mood disturbances with natural, safe and effective medications, and the Cannabis plant checks off all three boxes,” said Jacob Miguel Vigil of the UNM Department of Psychology Department. “One of the major reasons I wanted to conduct this study was to help find answers for a close colleague who confided in me that their loved one was struggling with severe depression and heavy cannabis use.” The study would seem to indicate that the colleague’s loved one was self-medicating their depression rather than exacerbating the problem.The press release says that depression is the most common mental health disorder in the US, claiming it affects one in five American adults.