Baked Goods: Green! Green! Green!

High Times Invites The Public To Join In The Financial Fun

Adam Wood
3 min read
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All signs suggest that we are entering into a transformative era that will redefine our cultural relationship to marijuana. With legalization becoming a crucial part of the national political conversation and cannabis flourishing into a multi-billion dollar industry, investors are foaming at the mouth for the potential profits which might be yielded by the apparently-imminent “Green Rush.”

Curiously, some of the more vehement opposition to widespread legalization and industrialization of cannabis has come from the plant’s most enthusiastic supporters, who (reasonably) fear that their beloved herb will become another corporate tool to funnel money into the hands of big pharma and the already elite. There is certainly a sense that the people’s plant could be poached from the people’s hands entirely.

That need not be the case, however—and some organizations are working tirelessly to make sure that even the pure pot enthusiasts among us can frolic in the figurative fields of green. One such corporation is High Times Holding Corp., renowned for voicing the countercultural charge of the cannabis community.

Since the inception of
High Times magazine in 1974, High Times has become the most visible and reliable brand in the cannabis industry and essentially synonymous with cannabis culture. In addition to the 250,000 subscriptions to their monthly print publication, High Times has become a hotspot for cannabis news and content.

With the illustrious
High Times Cannabis Cup—the world’s premier cannabis festival since 1988—boosting its claim to the heavyweight title, it appears that High Times’ devotion to strengthening the network of relationships in the cannabis community has it well on the way to becoming a massive media empire and the definitive portal for cannabis commerce in a new era.

Today, High Times Holding Corp. announced a crowdfunding campaign that will offer supporters and early investors the opportunity to buy a piece of the corporation in preparation for an upcoming initial public stock offering (IPO) on Nasdaq. This is an opportunity afforded by the SEC’s recent introduction of Regulation A+ process, which seeks to level the playing field and democratize the market by inviting public investment in private companies.

This is a move that will simultaneously boost the profile of the company as it prepares to go live on the market, allow High Times to expand its investment into content creation and promotion and reward contributors for their generosity and dedication to the early growth of the company.

Until July 12, the public has the opportunity to buy in at the price of $11/share—a generous 10 percent discount from the anticipated opening price on Nasdaq. If the company’s predictions turn out to be true—and they are boosted by a 425 percent increase in digital interactions on their online site and a 20 percent increase in revenue over the past year—that investment could turn out to be the financial opportunity of a lifetime.

Learn more and invest (with my blessing, though not my guarantee) at and hopefully soon we will bask together in the content, comfortable glow of cultural revolution.

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