Medical cannabis users, you may have been experiencing the newest trend without even knowing it. Everywhere you look cannabis is in the news. It’s what’s hot, what’s trending. Today the progression appears to be toward CBD and coffee.While scrolling through the cannabis news, CBD and coffee is standing in the spotlight boasting all the energy without the jitters. The claims are appealing and make it something worth looking into.
Effects of Coffee and CBD
The effects of coffee are widely known and precisely why mornings without it are just not worth waking up to. The smell of fresh coffee brewing in the pot immediately relieves any morning anxiety and once you drink your first cup you are up and ready to start the day.Most consumers are not just starting the day with coffee, but also with cannabis. The effects of cannabis can vary from strain to strain and also depend on the THC to CBD ratio present.CBD itself has anti-anxiety properties. There is a tendency for relaxation and stress reduction when it is inhaled or ingested. It can be found in dispensaries around the state in flower and concentrates. Note that if THC is present it can play a part in the overall effects.Phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD, along with terpenes are present in the various strains we consume. These together create a so-called entourage effect. Cannabis writer, Samantha Carrillo explains in an article appearing in Cannabis Manual that in essence “cannabis is greater than the sum of its parts.”
The Trial Run
Wanting to know first hand how this might change my morning habits I decided to purchase a high CBD distillate cartridge and start my coffee. There is definitely a difference between ingesting and inhaling. My go to is inhaling.With inhaling the high starts within 10-15 minutes and steadily declines over the next one and a half to two hours. Ingesting cannabis takes much longer to enter the blood stream, which can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Eating it is also said to be “three to seven times more potent” than smoking.NuClear Distillate Cartridge is what I decided to try. There is a nice balance of THC and CBD with roughly 40 percent each. The taste is spicy and distinctly brings back fond memories of smoking cloves. Caryophyllene may be the dominant terpene in this strain, which is the only strain that acts as another cannabinoid.This morning I sat with my strong coffee in one hand and my cartridge in the other, drinking my coffee quickly and savoring the taste of the vape. The high is a nice even body high without the headiness but with a creative mental state. This I appreciate so early in my day.Coffee and CBD is something to look into further and I will continue this experiment. The only thing to consider is ingesting the CBD rather than inhaling. This is the next step.If you have trouble in the morning with jitters from your coffee or anxiety from life consider trying the combination and seeing for yourself what the effects may be. Of course if this is your morning routine you already realize the benefits these add to your day.