Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology recently announced a new program to make hemp testing more accurate.According to a press release, the Cannabis Quality Assurance program (CannaQAP) will test participating labs on their ability to analyze hemp oil. The agency says it will use plant material in the future.The release claims many labs that test cannabis products aren’t experienced enough to find accurate results. NIST research chemist Walter Brent Wilson said the goal of the program was to increase accuracy in the hemp industry and ensure that farmers are producing plants that conform to federal guidelines.CannaQAP plans on sending the first round of oil samples to the labs to be tested for THC, CBD and 15 other cannabinoids. The labs will send the results back to NIST along with a description of their methods of analysis. NIST will then publish an anonymous list of the measurements obtained along with the correct results. With this system labs will be able to track their accuracy without losing anonymity.The results should show the amount of variability found between labs.