Strain Corner: 12 Gauge

Edward Barrett
3 min read
12 Gauge at CG
12 Gauge
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My tolerance for cannabis is getting high, and I tend to like strong and heady strains. I decided to cruise around town on a beautiful day before stopping into CG (6614 Gulton Ct. NE) to see what they had available. What immediately piqued my interest was a brutish-sounding strain named 12 Gauge (THC: 19.47%, CBD: 0.460%—$9/gram).

The smell had slightly peppery, musty and zesty hints to it that were reminiscent of cooking spices and seasonings. It had a nice mixture of colors that were playful and pleasant to look at. The overall body was a light green with wispy dark leaves billowing outward. There were large clumps of orange hairs pocketed and speckled throughout, making it quite an appetizing and appealing looking strain.

I was excited to try this rough-sounding strain in such nice weather, but I soon found myself in bad traffic due to generally idiotic drivers. I began getting road rage and telling myself how people should be forced to retake the driver’s exam every five years—failure to evince basic driving skills would result in the amputation of digits and the revocation of licenses. I quickly realized this was a bit extreme, and I needed to calm down and get home.

After I made it back home, I packed an overflowing bowl of the crunchy but soft nuggets and began feeling at peace. It tasted similar to the kitchen spice scents that I detected earlier along with slight cigar and diesel-like tangs. The light peppery notes that I tasted took me back to a memory of when I lived next to a spice factory during college. The taste and mild nature of 12 Gauge made it comfortable to indulge in.

I was expecting a harsh and powerful effect, but I was surprised to feel quite calm and amiable. Overall, I wasn’t quite as floored as the name led me to believe, but I was still much happier and calmer than when I had been in Mad Max mode earlier. I experienced a pleasant and mellow physical sensation that was very faint and not overbearing. I didn’t feel lazy or fatigued, but I also did not feel overly stimulated. My eyes were slightly heavy, but I felt a clear sense of focus that made me want to be creative and productive. This peppy feeling wouldn’t last for a particularly long time, however, and was mild.

12 Gauge was a good solid strain, but it wasn’t the heavy shotgun blast I was anticipating. This would be a good strain for those who want a slight boost in creativity, productivity and mood. It certainly aided me in countering my road rage ravings and rantings. Its mellow effects and flavor would be beneficial for those who want to relax without going overboard. Although it wasn’t the explosion of effects I expected, 12 Gauge was a respectable strain that provides a blast of comfort and relaxation.
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