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• The final, 10th annual
Alibi Short Film Fiesta is held at the Lobo Theater. Among the films screened: “Allison” by Jeff Drew, “Orange Barrels From the Phobosphere” by Brandon Scott Jensen and “Date 1.0” by Ryan Denmark. We also launch the popular Valentine’s Day Card Contest. In July, a long-serving soldier and registered Republican tells the Alibi that “the Bush administration did exactly what al-Qaida wanted us to do. It’s created a huge recruiting opportunity for our enemies, and we’ve alienated the whole world in the process."

• The Bush administration’s chief weapons inspector confirms that there aren’t, and never were, any WMDs in Iraq.

• Prisoner abuse photos from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons surface, causing heartburn worldwide.

• J.J. Abrams’ soon-to-be-obsessively-watched series “Lost” debuts on ABC. Years of speculation regarding smoke monsters, polar bears and mysterious hatches ensues.

• The Madstone Theater on San Mateo closes in July after just two short years. Despite the popularity of the multi-screen art house theater, the New York-based chain behind it goes bankrupt, and Albuquerque loses another fine venue.

• The Coronado 6 Theatre, opened in 1977, is closed and eventually demolished.

• Janet Jackson flashes a Superbowled nation, and Rep. Heather Wilson gets stirred up on the House floor, drawing national attention. We’re jerks about it.

• Sen. John Kerry loses a closely contested presidential election. President Bush marches on.








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