If you’re registered to vote, you can do it at any one of the 69 centers throughout the city. Pick the place that’s easiest for you and show up between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5. For updates and an interactive map, visit bernco.gov/clerk. You can also call the County Clerk’s Office for additional information at 243-VOTE (8683) .
Primary Election Guide 2012:
Northeast Albuquerque
Albuquerque High School, main gym (800 Odelia NE)Alice K. Hoppes African-American Pavilion, Expo N.M. (310 San Pedro NE)Arroyo del Oso Elementary School, main gym (6504 Harper NE)Bellehaven Elementary School, gym (8701 Princess Jeanne NE)* Caracol Plaza (125000 Montgomery NE, Suite B5)* Conejos Office Park (6700 Jefferson NE, Building A)* Daskalos Center (5339 Menaul NE)Del Norte High School, auxiliary gym (5323 Montgomery NE)Double Eagle Elementary School, gym (8901 Lowell NE)Eisenhower Middle School, gym (11001 Camero NE)Eldorado High School, auxiliary gym (11300 Montgomery NE)Hayes Middle School, main gym (1100 Texas NE)Hoover Middle School, main gym (12015 Tivoli NE) Hubert Humphrey Elementary School, multipurpose room (9801 Academy Hills NE)Jackson Middle School, gym (10600 Indian School NE)Jefferson Middle School, old gym (712 Girard NE)Kennedy Middle School, main gym (721 Tomasita NE)La Cueva High School, gym (7801 Wilshire NE)Madison Middle School, gym (3501 Moon NE)Manzano High School, auxiliary gym (12200 Lomas NE)McKinley Middle School, gym (4500 Comanche NE)Montezuma Elementary School, gym (3100 Indian School NE)* Montgomery Crossing (8510 Montgomery NE, Suite A3B)Oñate Elementary School, gym (12415 Brentwood Hills NE)* Paseo Crossing (8000 Paseo del Norte NE, Suite A2)Sandia High School, gym (7801 Candelaria NE)* University of New Mexico S.U.B. (Cochiti and Isleta rooms, second floor)Zuni Elementary School, multipurpose room (6300 Claremont NE) Northwest Albuquerque
* 98 th and Central (120 98 th Street NW, Suite A5)Chaparral Elementary School, main gym (6325 Milne NW)Cibola High School, auxiliary gym (1510 Ellison NW)* Clerk’s Annex, west section (620 Lomas NW)* Coors Plaza (3200 Coors NW, Suites A and G)Duranes Elementary School, main gym (2436 Zickert NW)Garfield Middle School, main gym (3501 Sixth Street NW)* Guadalupe Plaza (6125 Fourth Street NW, Suite 40)LBJ Middle School, gym (6811 Taylor Ranch NW)Paseo del Norte Shopping Center (8521 Golf Course NW, Suite 112)Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center, gym (9800 Fourth Street NW)* Sun Country Plaza (9421 Coors NW, Suites G and H)Taylor Middle School, gym (8200 Guadalupe NW)Valley High School, gym (1505 Candelaria NW)Ventana Ranch Elementary School, gym (6801 Ventana Village NW)Volcano Vista High School, gym (8100 Rainbow NW)West Mesa High School, old gym (6701 Fortuna NW) Southeast Albuquerque
* Central and Juan Tabo (11816 Central SE, Suite C)Bandelier Elementary, main gym (3309 Pershing SE)East San Jose Elementary School, gym (415 Thaxton SE)Highland High School, main gym (4700 Coal SE)Manzano Mesa Elementary School (801 Elizabeth SE)* Siesta Hills (5405 Gibson SE)Van Buren Middle School, gym (700 Louisiana SE) Southwest Albuquerque
Adobe Acres Elementary School, main gym (1724 Camino del Valle SW)Atrisco Heritage High School, auxiliary gym (10800 Dennis Chavez SW)* Goff Plaza (1720 Bridge SW, Suite G1)Mountain View Elementary, gym (5317 Second Street SW)Pajarito Elementary School (2701 Don Felipe SW)Polk Middle School, gym (2220 Raymac SW)* Rio Bravo Meal Site (3912 Isleta SW)Rio Grande High School, gym (2300 Arenal SW)Truman Middle School, gym (9400 Benavides SW)Valle Vista Elementary School, gym (1700 Mae SW)Washington Middle School, auxiliary gym (1101 Park SW) Isleta
Isleta Recreation Center, multipurpose room (Tribal Road 40, Building 60) Sandia Park
Vista Grande Community Center, multipurpose room (15 La Madera) Tijeras
A. Montoya Elementary School, main gym (24 Public School Road)* Tijeras City Hall, Village Council Chambers (12 Camino Municipal)Forest Meadow Baptist Church, fellowship hall (54 Hwy. 217) To’Hajiilee
Desiderio Community Center, chapter meeting room (Navajo Rt. 56)
Primary Election Guide 2012:
Want to Vote Early?
Early voting started May 8 at the Clerk’s Annex (620 Lomas NW). This location will stay open Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., through June 2.Beginning May 19, 16 additional My Vote Centers will be open Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., through June 2. Early voting locations are starred in the above list.
Primary Election Guide 2012:
… Or Is Absentee More Your Style?
First you need to request a ballot. Call the County Clerk at 243-VOTE (8683) and provide the following info:• Your name, as stated on your voter registration card• Your full address where you’re registered to vote• Your date of birth or voter registration number• The address you want your ballot mailed to (if it’s different than the address where you’re registered to vote)You can also use snail-mail for your ballot request. Visit bernco.gov/clerk for an application to print and complete. You’ll need to mail or hand-deliver the request within 48 hours of signing and dating the application. The County Clerk’s Office recommends you request an application no later than Wednesday, May 31. The deadline to turn in the completed application is Friday, June 1, at 7 p.m. You can-hand deliver it to the Clerk’s Office (sixth floor of One Civic Plaza NW) on Election Day if you forget to mail it out.
Primary Election Guide 2012: * Early Voting Site