Best Of Burque 2017: Animal Arena

Best Place To Board Your Pet

Peter Karlsen
4 min read
animal arena poodle
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Reading this paper makes it likely that, like us, you agonize over who’s going to make sure your pets are okay while you’re out of town. Well, my sympathetic friend, your fellow readers assure you Canine Country Club is the best place in our fair burg in which you can choose to board them. And it’s not the first time, either. They won last year, too.

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Pet Rescue Group

You love pets. Of course you do. But you probably don’t love them as much as the fine folks at Watermelon Mountain Ranch. They love pets so much, we were told they’re the best at forming groups to rescue them. In fact, if you’re interested in adopting a pet, they even love pets enough to know when it’s time to let them go to a good forever home. If you love pets but aren’t in a place to adopt them, you can show your love by helping Watermelon Mountain Ranch through volunteering or making a donation.

2) Animal Humane of New Mexico

3) Lap Dog Rescue of New Mexico

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Nonprofit For Animals

What can we say that hasn’t already been said, except this time about Animal Humane of New Mexico instead of Watermelon Mountain Ranch? Animal Humane of New Mexico also truly loves animals. They love them so much, they’re the best at being a nonprofit for them—and certainly not for lack of practice! Animal Humane New Mexico has been an independent nonprofit looking out for the welfare of animals since 2010.

2) Watermelon Mountain Ranch

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Veterinary Clinic

Perennial winners Aztec Animal Clinic have done it again. The major difference is that this time they win for 2017 as opposed to all of those other year numbers they already won. On a whim we called to ask why they always win this category, but they were too busy being awesome veterinarians to chat. Guess that’s why.

2) Blue Cross Animal Clinic/VCA

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Pet Shop

Pets are a 24/7 commitment. So it’s a good thing that Clark’s is open seven days a week. And along with all of their pet-friendly products available for purchase, they’ve got more than 42 years of wisdom to offer on all things animal. Plus, they’re one of, like, two places you can get "Taste of the Wild" dog food. Yum!

2) PetSmart

3) Long Leash on Life

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Pet Training

Some pets need training, some pets don’t. Our publisher has a Staffy-cross that didn’t really need to be trained as much as she just kinda needed to be shown what to do. His goldfish were pretty much with the program right from the start. His dachshund, however, needed thorough and prolonged training. In fact, that dachshund was willful enough to make one trainer call it quits. But that trainer wasn’t voted "Best Pet Training" like Acoma Training Center, who have been training pets since 1952. They’ll probably be able to even train a dachshund.

2) Animal Humane New Mexico

3) Arie’s Dogland

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Pet

Stephanie Wilson’s pet
Stephanie Wilson’s pet

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