This year, like every year, our readers flocked to the Weekly Alibi’swebsite and cast their votes in one of the most important democratic contests in Albuquerque: the Best of Burque Restaurants poll. Under cover of darkness and guarded by the Alibi’s own highly trained security response team (a portly chihuahua named Iota and a deaf Miniature Schnauzer named Mikey), we have carefully, slavishly tabulated the results, chucked out the hanging chads, eliminated the obvious fraud and discreetly pocketed the bribes, all in service toward creating this definitive list of Albuquerque’s favorite restaurants. Behold it, in all its glory. In addition I am pleased to report that we received more votes this year than we have for the past two years running, meaning our readers are more excited about Albuquerque’s dining scene than ever! A few words about our system: In most cases, the voting resulted in a clear winner and two runners-up. However in some categories, votes went to one or two victors and were spread evenly between a multitude of other choices. In those situations, we eliminated the third and sometimes second-place runners-up because, well, a four-way tie for third place is just silly. And some categories got so few votes that we eliminated them altogether. As always, congratulations to all of our winners! Until next year, keep reading, keep eating and keep voting.