Garduño’s. If you’re looking for a flavored one, you have to try my personal favorite, the Coconut Margarita. Don’t order a pitcher, just a glass (they're almost the same size anyway).
Best Female TV Personality
Diane Anderson. Not only is she damn good at what she does, she’s also a hottie!
Best Place to Find Old School Music
Christy’s Records and Tapes. Been around since I was a kid when I was looking for hard-to-find music.
Movie Theater
Century Rio. Give me stadium seating for every movie I see! Also, the Best Place To Hear A Cell Phone Go Off at the most important part of the movie too.
Best Street Corner to Find a Panhandler With His Dog
Off ramp of I-25 at Osuna. There’s always one there. Dunno why?
Best Downtown Bar
Ned’s. One of the classiest bars in the Downtown area.
Best Auto Mechanic
Steve Jemenez at My Mechanic. Honest, hard-working and reasonable. That’s tough to find nowadays. Tell him Chaz sent you!
Best Radio DJ
Johnny Vonn at Kiss FM! One of the last, high energy, slick sounding jocks left in the city. He must have learned from the best.