Green Scorpion patrols Phoenix and sometimes Albuquerque. But the Duke City has her own hero roaming the streets. Meet Ghost Shadow. Except that’s not his real superhero name. He wanted a pseudonym for his pseudonym. No matter how much begging this reporter did (and there was a fairly undignified amount) he wouldn’t speak to the Alibi in person or on the phone. Instead, he created an e-mail address to use just to answer questions.He’s among the hardcore set of real-life superheroes and isn’t interested in publicity. He doesn’t maintain a MySpace profile—or any online presence. He’s not verbose in this e-mailed exchange, but these words come to you direct from the keyboard of … Ghost Shadow. (Again, not his real name.)Do you patrol Albuquerque?Yes. Don’t randomly "patrol" often. I usually go out looking for specific people who need a talking to. How often? Where?Varies; seedier areas.Have you stopped any crime or helped anyone?Yes.Why, unlike many real-life superheroes, do you prefer to remain under the radar?I have enemies and plan on having more as time passes.What inspired you to do this? Was there a Eureka moment?Personal experiences with crime.How did you decide on your name?It’s a literary reference.Do you live in Albuquerque?Not full time, but I have a place there.Do you wear a costume? Do you wear it while you patrol? Does it ever freak anyone out?Most of what I wear while working blends in. I have a mask, but I rarely wear it. Masks and flashy costumes attract attention.Is your costume comfortable?Yes. I made sure that nothing gets in the way. If it does, I lose it or move it.What are its most interesting components?Kevlar panels sewn into lots of areas. I cut apart a few old vests to get the raw materials.Has your costume gone through many iterations?Nope. I’m a planner.Do you carry a gun?I’d rather not say.How has your life changed since taking on hero duties?I have some hope for the future.Does anyone know your identity?No. How old are you?Forty-two.How long have you been doing this?Started around 9/11. That was the last straw. That got me in motion.Will you ever stop? What would make you consider leaving the hero role?It would take a crippling injury or maybe getting married. I don’t know if I would keep doing this if I had loved ones to worry about.How serious are you about this?Damn serious.What do you think of other superheroes?A few seem solid. Never met any in person.