Last Minute Gift Guide 2018: Midtown

Abq Guitarworks

Robin Babb
3 min read
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Listen: If I hear that you bought your nephew an electric guitar at Guitar Center for the holidays, you’d better believe I’ll be mad. There are so many great small instrument shops in Albuquerque that need your business a million times more than that six-string Walmart. ABQ Guitarworks is one of them, and they carry some truly beautiful instruments that you won’t find anywhere else. And not just guitars: You’ll also find effects pedals, amps, tubes and strings—along with any accessories your little heart desires. Looking to fix up an old amp or guitar for a loved one? They repair electric and acoustic, sell parts and replace tubes as well. The shop also offers guitar lessons, which would be a very considerate addition to your new guitar gift, especially for the parents involved.

Archery Shoppe

I got a longbow when I first moved out to Albuquerque with the full expectation of becoming some wild desert warrior poet. It didn’t take me very long, though, to learn that archery is more complicated than just point and shoot. What’s the best way to string a bow? Is there any way I can practice without my fingers going numb for several days afterward? And like, how do you aim? I bought arrows and took an all-women beginner’s class at the indoor range at the Archery Shoppe, where I had the best time and learned so dang much. Every employee there is so helpful and kind, and really knows what they’re talking about. If you’re looking to buy a bow or related accessories, they’ll take the time to know what exactly you’re looking for and help you learn how best to use it. Which is guidance you’ll need, so you don’t end up buying a 50-pound draw longbow for a child. And if you’re buying somebody their first bow, you should probably get them a few lessons as well—there are one-on-one lessons for $45 per hour, and group lessons happen throughout the year—just call or check at the store for a schedule.

Animal Humane Thrift Shop

Yes, I’m telling you to go to a thrift store for your holiday shopping. Why? Because this place always has great stuff, and because all their profits go to the Animal Humane Society of New Mexico. If that’s not reason enough, consider that thrift stores are a very cheap and Earth-friendly way to shop for holiday gifts—there’s no carbon footprint if you’re buying something secondhand. If somebody on your gift list this year is just moving into a new place, check out the Animal Humane Thrift Shop to outfit them with furniture and kitchen gear that won’t break the bank.
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