Help your community by getting involved in Albuquerque’s many Earth Day events.
Global Green Indigenous Film Festival
Friday, April 18-Sunday, April 20Various locations in Santa Fe ( panels are free; ticket prices range from $5 for students/seniors to $115 for general admission, all-access three-day passes.Take part in this inaugural festival to celebrate the issues, aspirations and accomplishments of global indigenous communities. Hosted by the National Tribal Environmental Council and the New Mexico Tourism Department. For a complete schedule, a list of locations and comprehensive ticket prices, visit the website.
Stream Team Service Project
Friday, April 18; Saturday, April 19; Saturday, April 26 Various locations ( a.m.-3 p.m.FreeJoin WildEarth Guardians in planting native vegetation around the Rio Puerco (on April 18 and 19) and Bluewater Creek (on April 26). Visit the website for directions and details.
Spring Foothills Cleanup
Saturday, April 19; Saturday, April 26Various locations ( a.m.-1 p.m.FreeHelp the Open Space Division tidy the foothills. Meet at the parking lot at the top of Menaul on April 19 and at Piedra Lisa on April 26 to aid in graffiti removal, trash cleanup and trail maintenance. Prizes will be given for the most unusual trash. Bring gloves, a water bottle, sturdy outdoor shoes and sun protection. Arrive early for registration, coffee and snacks.
Happy 75th Anniversary to New Mexico State Parks
Saturday, April 19Los Griegos Library (1000 Griegos NW, 761-4020)3 p.m.FreeLearn about the history of our 36 state parks from Rio Grande Nature Center representatives. Today’s program is geared toward teens and adults and is one of a series the library is hosting.
Buffalo Exchange Dollar Day Sale
Saturday, April 19Buffalo Exchange (3005 Central NE, 262-0098, a.m.-8 p.m.FreeToday the proceeds from any $1 sale item you purchase go to the Galapagos Conservancy, funding a project to repopulate Pinta Island with giant saddleback tortoises.
Earth Day Party for the Planet
Saturday, April 19Rio Grande Zoo, Albuquerque Aquarium, Rio Grande Botanic Garden and Tingley Beach (764-6245, a.m.-2 p.m.Tingley events are free, the rest are the cost of admission.This city-sponsored event starts with a KNME Science Café on the topic of climate change at the Rio Grande Zoo at 10 a.m. (Reservations are required for this portion—call 764-6214.)Then take a ride on the Rio Line train, zipping between the zoo, Tingley Beach and the Albuquerque Aquarium/Botanic Garden, to learn about endangered species, make Earth-art, visit the BioVan and find out how green choices can help cacti, sharks and bears around the world.
Artisan Farming Talk and Book Signing
Sunday, April 20Bookworks (4022 Rio Grande NW, 344-8139)3 p.m.FreeExplore New Mexico’s agricultural tradition of small farms, farmers’ markets, community-supported agriculture, heritage seed exchanges and more in Richard Harris and Lisa Fox’s Artisan Farming (Gibbs Smith, $24.95).
Shop Talk: Toxic Toys and Green Machines
Tuesday, April 22Self Serve (3904B Central SE, 265-5815, p.m.Free, pre-registration recommended.Talk to owners Molly and Matie about phthalate-free “safe sex” toys. Phthalates are common carcinogens found in many adult toys–find out about non-toxic alternatives. Plus, in honor of "Phthalate Awareness Month," all silicone, "bodysafe" sex toys are 20 percent off through the end of April.
The New World Biomass Conference
Monday, April 21-Thursday, April 24Albuquerque Convention Center (401 Second Street NW,$20 all-day passesNew World Biomass LLC, a year-old, New Mexico company, brings together leading experts on biomass from around the world to host workshops and presentations. For a complete schedule, visit the website. All tickets must be bought at the conference.
"Case Studies for Passive Solar Homes"
Tuesday, April 22REI (1550 Mercantile NE, 247-1191, p.m.FreeLearn about passive solar home design from architect Mark Chalom. Hosted by the New Mexico Solar Energy Association.
UNM Alternative Transportation Fair
Tuesday, April 22Cornell Mall (east side of the SUB; a.m.-2 p.m.FreeInteract with exhibits on walking, bike commuting, energy-efficient cars, public transportation and more. Plus, bring home armloads of free stuff.
Naturescapes 2008 Photography Salon
Submission Period:Monday, April 21-Sunday, April 27($5 entry charge, four-entry limitThe New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science seeks submissions to its annual photo contest. This year’s theme is "Wild, Wacky Weather: Precipitation and Drought in New Mexico." Go to the website to download an entry form.
Ride to the Center
Saturday, April 267 a.m.Registration: $15, $25, $35 Pedal in the first annual Ride to the Center, benefitting the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Sign up for a 10-, 22- or 54-mile cycle to kick off Día del Niño/Día de Salud: A Day of Family Fun/A Day of Free Healthcare. Fees pay for a T-shirt, a bib number, sag support, rest stops, a route map, and a post-ride celebration with breakfast and a massage. Packet pick-up will be available at REI (1550 Mercantile NE) on Thursday, April 24, from 2 to 7 p.m. For more info, call 243-3930.
Q Jam
Saturday, May 24Harry E. Kinney Civic Plaza (’ Mo’, Ruthie Foster and Indigenous will perform at this music festival and environmental sustainability fair along with many more to-be-determined musicians. Check out interactive green exhibits and education booths while you’re there. For a schedule of events and applications for those who want participate, visit the website.
Celebrate the Earth Festival
Sunday, April 27La Montañita Co-op (3500 Central SE, 265-4631, a.m.-6 p.m.FreeMore than 130 organizations from around the state will participate in this two block-wide (Silver between Carlisle and Tulane) event. Check out educational booths from environmental, social and economic justice organizations, visit with local farmers, get seedlings and drought-resistant plants, find art from local craftspeople, listen to live music and watch dance performances. Plus, the Sierra Club and Immanuel Presbyterian Church are teaming up with the Co-op to host the "Earth Fest-Film Fest," and REI and BikeABQ will be out back to teach visitors about bike commuting, repair and safety. There’s too much for us to mention here, so call the Co-op at the number above or look for details on all the events in its April newsletter, found online under the "Co-op Connection News" button on its homepage.