We don’t know how to break this to you, gentle readers, but Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. That means that Christmas is about to hit us all like a ton of bricks. You don’t have to go all in on the Christmas lights and tinsel. You don’t even have to put up a Christmas tree. But Christmas is the holiday of giving. And if you’re going to give presents to friends and loved ones this season, we here at the Alibi recommend you hand out as many local, homegrown New Mexico gifts as possible. It helps boost our local economy and it’s a great way to show out-of-town gift recipients your hometown pride. So, we’ve turned to our section editors to pick some of their favorite pieces of locally made/Albuquerque-oriented swag. From music to food, you’re sure to find something you want to give … or something you just have to ask Santa for.