Since New Mexico legalized medical cannabis back in 2007, the Earth has circled the Sun a dozen times. Amid those revolutions, the sociocultural acceptance of using cannabis and derived cannabinoids—think THC, CBD and CBN—as legitimate medication has gained significant ground here in The Land of Enchantment. And, with the 2018 US Farm Bill’s passage, the licensed cultivation of hemp in New Mexico is now ostensibly legal. Weekly Alibi invites patients, traditional and alternative medical professionals, industry movers and shakers, community leaders, activists and skeptics to our inaugural New Mexico Cannabis Expo from 11am to 5pm on Saturday, March 23, at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center (201 West Marcy Street). Admission—$10for the general public and $5 for medical cannabis cardholders—is payable at the door via cash or credit. To learn more and scope a list of vendors, visit