Tj Trout Signs Off
Tj Trout’s Quarter Century Of Sports, Sex, Satire—And Making A Difference

TJ Trout’s leaving the state and retiring to a beach. “I'm going to miss mostly the people. I'm talking about all the people I work with. I'm leaving my really close friends. Just the people—the listeners, too.”
TJ says he isn’t sure what he’ll be known for in Albuquerque. “I hope people think well of me. I hope they don't think I'm a dick. Some people will, and that's fine. I hope I have made a positive impact on people's lives, more than negative.”
TJ Trout and Rainman ride the morning airwaves during TJ’s final days in the studio. “That's what it is, too. That's what we are—just guys talking about shit,” he says.