Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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Sonnet no.1“Union of Eros and Gaea”Hark, noble gentlemen and ladies fairUpon this day of everlasting loveView prose written under a nom de guerre;Cunning linguistics shall be used thereofFor none wholly snuffs the erotic flame As a lexicon boorish and profane.Responses to our wired census cameStories themed elementally did reign.Forsooth one author wrote a fishy taleOf spawning love with salmon swimming near,Others, of passion on the hiking trail.With thund’rous water Thor did oft appearTo protect the amorous embracesOf those aroused by natural places.(By Lady Seagraves)
Sonnet no.2“Predilections of the Nation”But soft, what society in yonderQuery renders their remarks so honest?‘Twas equal gander and goose responder,Aged a score or two, they most oft promised.Their wild fantasies did run the gamutOf Aphrodite’s imagination,Study of reel lust they did not damn it.Amid their natural acts of creationScores of lovers claimed to remain leafless.Concerning trinkets and accessories,Moste stylish were: pulse, root and tethered jess.In solo plunder of their treasuriesDid one third claim to oft blithely engage.Verily, such hot numbers sear this page!(By Lady Seagraves)
Sonnet no.3“What Many Breeds of Sundry Fantasies”Speak, muses of thy delicious fancies.Those both salacious and sweet in natureLeave mortal thews in thrilling agonies.Delicate power games arise majorwith thralls and rulers craving such command;Cruel and tender touch mix in fair measure.Humours of blood rally a dis’prate bandMuch like the entourage of Bacchus seek pleasure.Such bodies enjoy a congregationTo elevate their libidinous sport.Oft dreamt of with gayness and elationIs the surmounting of a dear consortVia the ingress of their fundament.Stars! That mere flesh can bear such wonderment.(By Lady Seagraves)
Sonnet no.4“A Trio of Passions Earthly, Consecrated and Lethal”Whence presented with quand’ry trifurcate,Whom to fornicate, betroth or murder?Bestowing upon three a final fate,The consensus results in said order:To lie with the fair Beyoncé of grandProportions awarded to quarters hind,To woo and marry the Queen of EnglandAnd share always in her wealth and in kind(Though her visage hath fallen in years late).Miss Helen Keller, who would neither seeNor hear her approaching perilous fate,Left thusly a sentence of endless sleep.So, the populace deliberated.O! Destinies henceforth celebrated!(By Marchioness Missy Sweetwillow)