Some Other Mexican

6 min read
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Gustavo Arellano has lost all credibility. He seems to think that being offensive and vulgar is entertaining. His tripe does nothing to improve relations between races. Anyone seeking to gain a better understanding of Mexicans or Mexican culture would do better by asking some other Mexican.

Alibi editors will soon realize this.

Ask A Hispanic

Recently, I sent y’all an e-mail praising the Alibi staff and the Alibi for carrying the “Ask a Mexican” column. I never thought anyone would disagree with my opinion on the matter, and felt that if by nothing else, the real humor contained in the column would carry it through the day.

Now I read in the
Alibi that some, maybe even some Hispanics, Latinos or other brown-skinned brethren (in addition to skads of blancos ) find something to complain about in and about the “Ask a Mexican” column. I just hope that you do not consider ever discontinuing the “Ask a Mexican” column, and if Mr. Arellano retires, contact me, and I will try to institute a column similar to his.

It is just worth it.

Many in New Mexico are not as well acquainted with the Mexican culture as maybe they should be. They have been influenced by too many Hispanics who are really intergalactic aliens in disguise who are preparing New Mexico for an invasion from the planet Traflamadore.

Since Mexico is our nearest foreign country, we need the information. I mean, it’s just there. And so are us fans of “Ask a Mexican” who enjoy it every week whether we agree with anything in it [or not].

Dirty Love

[RE: The Real Side, “The Dirt on the Dirty Dozen,” Aug. 3-9]

Jim Scarantino’s recent love note to Heather Wilson would be easy to dismiss if not for the wider context of November’s elections. Obviously, Scarantino has issues with non-Western environmental groups in suits, even if their case is valid. Of course, New Mexico’s environmental issues are paramount and if Wilson’s record is a good one here, so be it.

In painting Heather’s record in a favorable light via his extremely narrow view, Jim has traded his green thumb for a brown nose, just as, while haranguing the League of Conservation Voters for lacking a view “above the Potomac,” as so often is the case, his head is in the Rio Grande. Simply lifting his gaze toward the evil Beltway in the East would reveal Wilson’s complete record, and it doesn’t merit any Valentines. Besides, as her recent media advertisements demonstrate, Wilson needs no help spinning the "facts" of her deplorable record.

As is her usual tactic near election time, Wilson is once again selling her record as a voter-centered moderate, when the facts show her in constant step with the White House dance card. Admittedly, this last term she gave weak lip service to Congressional ethics reform. Now, in usual partisan fashion and after not calling the hand, she plays the ethics card against her opponent. In fact, her slick television commercials have more the stench of Karl Rove’s Orwellian sty than the scent of a summer rain in the Bosque. Wilson’s confessional description of Mr. Bush as her “beacon” is as troubling as her voting record and should be taken at full value. It may be appropriate to thank Heather for her service to New Mexico’s geographical treasures. However, her determined unwillingness to honor the Congressional oath of office and demand party leadership responsibility for their repeated extreme breach of constitutional ethics demonstrates her unsuitability as a representative of the people in any environment.

Pet Premium

The recent article about pit bulls [Feature, “Not So Beastly,” July 6-12] and the subsequent letters to the editor demonstrate one thing: Those whose minds are made up already are not going to change them. I could quote the article from today’s Kansas City paper about the 71-year-old woman who was mauled to death by two of her neighbor’s pit bulls and there would still be people who would say it was not the dogs’ fault.

Last year legislation about pit bulls was entertained here in New Mexico. Apparently, it was to no avail, as there are still lots of them in my neighborhood. I read the proposed legislation and it looked OK to me, but it will probably not pass in the near future. That said, there is a way to address the problem.

If you buy a new Dodge Viper and go to get it insured, it is likely your insurance will go up. The people who do actuarial for insurance companies feel you are more likely to speed, etc., in a car like that, so they raise your premiums. Let’s treat the ownership of dogs the same way. Records of serious and fatal dog bites and attacks identify some dogs as more likely to bite. If you have one (or more) of those dogs, your premiums get raised. They get raised a lot. If your dog is not inclined to bite, then your rates are lower, just like with the cars. If people do not have homeowner’s insurance or have not notified the insurance company that they own a dog, then in the event of an attack, the injured party can use litigation to take their car, their home, their money and anything else of value. People might be more circumspect about their choice of pets if they knew what they could lose.

I like dogs. I have two of them. I have lots of people coming to my home and I always tell them I have dogs so they won’t be surprised. But my dogs (a great Pyrenees and a blue heeler) are not biting dogs … under normal circumstances. And even though I have had one for five years and one for four years, they have never shown aggressive tendencies. They have been properly socialized and trained, as all dogs should be.

Several years ago my former wife had a biting dog. One day it bit our insurance agent. That dog did not last very long. Come to think of it, neither did she. But I had great insurance.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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