A Plea For The Petroglyphs

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Realize the battle on the hill where the volcanoes sleep is probably the most significant battle this territory will ever know. This battle is between industrial materialism and ecological spirituality.

Biologist, where are you? The original ecologists of this territory are in dire need of your support. The ecosystem is interwoven into their spiritual beliefs. The belief is that life originated from the bowels of the volcanoes; what Western science has learned recently, these people knew all along and have honored through sacred prayers and dances. So biologist and ecologist in the Biology Departments at UNM and TVI, put your books down and put your dancing shoes on, this your dance, too!

Academics, where are you? Could you be too busy writing scholarly books on the subject of indigenous cultures of the past? Well, they’re still here and we need you, too! The outcome of this battle may mean that anything you write won’t have any proof or relevance in the future, because an incredible spiritual culture and perspective is disappearing from this face of this territory. Not because a community didn’t care; let’s open our eyes and see it’s because a few greedy dishonest businessmen co-opted the symbols of the sacred petroglyphs and confused the whole community on how to vote on a series of bond issues.

Feminists or people pushing the feminine consciousness: herbalists, massage therapists, holistic medicine people, I know you’re out there, you give me your business cards everyday. This is your battle, too! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The battle up there is between the yin and yang. The native indigenous people are believers in the balance of both energies, too. They’ve been practicing what you’ve only discovered thousands of years ago. Put on your balanced energies and your grungy boot kickers over your ballet slippers and start a chorus line of 10,000-strong on this hill!

Oh artists, poets, theater performers of all people, why are we not hearing or seeing you up on that mountain finding parallels between Tibet and our sacred cultures all along the Rio Grande? Slyly slip on your court jester slippers and practice your pleas along with your raps, taps and Tarzan calls and show up screaming in unison, “We the people have a right to be intuitive and our intuition says this is wrong!”

Musicians, I can’t believe you all aren’t dragging your giant amplifiers up the black lava rock and rolling your thunderous sounds down into the valley where most people are sleeping. Do we not realize this is our mountain, our yellow wispy tall grass, our open space, our coyotes, our Flores de San Juan, our water, our clean air, our city that will be affected if this anti-Petroglyph road goes through? In less than three weeks, they will be plowing through–where are you?

I feel like I am floating along in a tetrahedron with a black hole circling me because I don’t hear a sound from you nor can I see any light. Is there any intelligence out there? I know I don’t want to live and breathe in my car on the Los Angeles freeway stretching out from Coors to Grants, N.M. If I wanted the Los Angeles freeway, I’d be living there.

I love my desert and all the creatures, the plant life and the open blue sky. They are very much what my life is about here in Cielito Lindo. How about you? I know it’s not the money!

We would like to extend an invitation to all for the opening of “A Magic Dwells,” a sanctuary in honor of the Petroglyphs, on Sunday, Dec. 18, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 299 Placitas NW.

Downtown, Lingerie And The Alibi: A Love Story

Downtown Alibi advertisers please take heed: This is a true story; utterly shallow and bereft of political significance, but true.

For countless months, I gazed longingly at the Seventh Goddess ads. I had no boyfriend and no need for sexy lingerie. Although I am known as a formidable pitbull-like animal welfare activist, going into a lingerie shop or department knocks me to my knees with embarrassment and I usually just slink out. Well, I finally got a boyfriend and wouldn’t a pleather waist cincher go good right about now? Yeah right. Where in Albuquerque would the average citizen find such a thing? Then I remembered the Seventh Goddess ads and bravely took off for Downtown. They had exactly what I was looking for at a very reasonable price and my shopping excursion took me to other shops along Gold.

Thank you Alibi for supporting Downtown business and for making a sweet difference in our lives.

Winning Wines

[RE: Grapevine, “The Wonderful Wines of New Mexico,” Nov. 17-23] I want to commend you on the article that you wrote in the Alibi! We at New Mexico Wineries, Inc. (Blue Teal, Mademoiselle and St. Clair) appreciate your evaluation of our wines.

I hope that you have determined for yourself that New Mexico wines are making a name for themselves. We at New Mexico Wineries, Inc., are happy to produce quality New Mexico wines for our customers.

We hope that the Weekly Alibi continues to support the New Mexico wine industry; and again we thank you for the story!

Curve Balls And Hatchet Jobs

I thought I had witnessed the ultimate in newspaper hatchet jobs and curve balls in political journalism, but this latest “discovery” by the Albuquerque Journal that Bill Richardson was not drafted by the Kansas City A’s ought to win some kind of new prize for “Absurd Political Journalism,” since this story was even printed in the New York Times!

Forty years ago, drafts were discussed generally, hinted at and not accompanied by clear-cut contracts. The governor’s recent biography makes this perfectly clear, and I believe that he truly believed he had been drafted by them and several other teams. At that point, he was 19; who has not made any errors of judgment when they were 19?

What Bill Richardson pitches to the New Mexico Legislature about health, elementary education, fiscal policies, environmental policies, higher education, consumer protection: These are a lot more important to me than ancient baseball history and whether the guy was drafted by the A’s or not.

I abhor the astonishing fact that conservative papers across the nation have picked this up and some have even described it as if he had been caught in a lie. This is a dismal and failed attempt at character assassination.

How about the other party’s leaders’ protracted and elaborate lies about Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction,” which were grandiloquently strewn forth in the United Nations General Assembly before the ill-informed invasion? Are Americans just supposed to forget about those really big lies that directly resulted in 2,000 dead GIs, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, and billions of wasted-unless-you-are-Halliburton dollars, while the entire nation is side-tracked by absurd articles on the sports and political pages about whether Bill Richardson was drafted by the Kansas City A’s in 1966? New Mexicans generally are more concerned with his gubernatorial record.

Or did we somehow get new priorities in national politics and qualities of leadership? Let’s get real here, folks!

Letters should be sent with the writer's name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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