Answer Me This

Simon McCormack
3 min read
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Which company announced layoffs? Why did a mom say she was shoplifting? What did a 6-year-old girl want for her birthday? Why is a man facing 18 felony counts?

1) Which company is sending home New Mexico workers?

a. General Electric

b. T-Mobile

c. Intel

d. Comcast

2) What reason did a mother give for shoplifting?

a. She didn’t have enough money to pay for her kids’ clothes.

b. She had been laid of, and her husband had just left her.

c. Her baby had explosive diarrhea, and she needed diapers ASAP.

d. Child support payments from her ex were late in arriving.

3) What did a girl request for her birthday?

a. A pony

b. That the economy make a swift and successful recovery

c. Dog food to take to an animal shelter

d. A private meeting with Gov. Bill Richardson

4) Why was a man slapped with 18 felony charges, according to police?

a. He is a serial burglar.

b. He hosted a party with underage drinkers.

c. He illegally downloaded thousands of dollars worth of music.

d. He was found in possession of a cornucopia of illegal drugs.

Answer Me This Answers

1) D. Comcast announced it is laying off 160 Albuquerque call-center employees. Many of the job positions will be moved to a larger call center in Denver. Comcast says the decision was difficult but best for customers. "By investing in our larger, more technologically advanced call centers and standardizing care processes, we can bring the latest tools, technology and training to help our employees deliver the best possible customer experience," the company said in a news release.

2) A. Police say a woman told them she stole clothing for her kids because
she couldn’t afford to pay for the threads. According to police, the woman walked out of a Cottonwood Mall store with $700 worth of clothing. They also say the woman had $200 on her when she was arrested.

3) C. The youngster wanted to
donate to Watermelon Mountain Ranch Animal Center for her birthday. She requested that friends and family give her dog food and dog biscuits in lieu of presents. She and her mother ended up donating 300 pounds of dog food to the animal center.

4) B. After hosting a party where
police say several minors were drinking, a 21-year-old man faces 18 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Each count carries a maximum jail sentence of a year and a half. All 18 minors believed to be under the influence were given "minor in possession" citations.
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