Answer Me This

Marisa Demarco
3 min read
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1) Who got the Officer of the Year award?

a. A Valencia County sheriff’s deputy who chased a drunk person driving the wrong way down a highway for 20 minutes

b. An Albuquerque cop who spurred an initiative to provide the city’s homeless population with drinking water

c. A border patrol agent who saved an undocumented immigrant’s life

d. A Belen policewoman who went undercover to bust a dogfighting ring

2) What complicates the mayor-elect’s job in Sunland Park, N.M.?

a. He’s legally barred from going near city hall or being around city employees.

b. He lives in another state.

c. He’s busy as the town’s only mail carrier and runs a bar in the evenings.

d. He’s allergic to green chile.

3) What are some Hispanic educators saying about Education Secretary-designate Hanna Skandera?

a. Her attitude is "colonial."

b. Her plans don’t address the achievement gap.

c. She doesn’t have a grasp of bilingual ed.

d. All of the above

4) How did a McKinley, N.M. school handle news that a student was pregnant, according to the ACLU?

a. The district created a free daycare program for her so she could graduate.

b. She was forced to stand before a school assembly where her pregnancy was announced.

c. Administrators began offering information about birth control to students.

d. She received an F in health class for failing to remain abstinent.

Answer Me This Answers

1) C. Gov. Susana Martinez presented the prize—awarded by the New Mexico Sheriffs’ and Police Association—to Ross Goodwin, a border patrol agent who saved an undocumented immigrant’s life. The immigrant fell down a mountain after being chased by Border Patrol. Goodwin says helping the man was just a part of the job.

2) A. Daniel Salinas won the mayoral election by 84 votes earlier this month. He’s also been charged with electoral fraud and extortion. He was accused of trying to ensure victory with a compromising video of his opponent. He’s required to
avoid city hall and other city employees, as per conditions of his release from jail.

3) D. Skandera has been under fire for her push to grade schools in the state. Some critics argue that
her plan lacks incentives for helping Hispanic students, who for years have fallen behind the state’s Anglo students. They also say she didn’t consult with bilingual education experts. David Briseño, who’s on the state’s Hispanic Education Advisory Council, says Skandera acts likes she’s here to save the state, which is part of a colonial attitude.

4) B. The state’s chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against a Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding school. The suit says 15-year-old Shantelle Hicks was asked to stand up at an assembly while the counselor and the director
alerted her classmates that she was pregnant. She was also kicked out, according to the ACLU, but readmitted when the civil rights organization told the school that was illegal.
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