Answer Me This

Simon McCormack
3 min read
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Why are some Albuquerque High School parents atwitter? What surprising discovery did a Santa Fe woman stumble upon? Why did the mayor say he was dropping out of the U.S. Senate race? How is Moriarty helping DWI victims’ families?

1) What has Albuquerque High School parents fuming?

a. AHS didn’t make the state’s Annual Yearly Progress list.

b. There hasn’t been enough positive stories about the school in the media.

c. Their children may have been exposed to a covert recruiting pitch by the Army.

d. Their children complained about the recent lack of "booty-jams" in the quad during lunch.

2) What intriguing item did a Santa Fe woman bring to the attention of the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Department?

a. A severed human head

b. A six-shooter from Old West times

c. A weapons stash

d. A human bone with potentially ancient origins

3) Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez says he’s dropping out of the U.S. Senate race because…

a. He hasn’t been able to raise enough campaign funds.

b. He doesn’t want the Democratic party to be divided.

c. The red-light camera investigation is taking up a lot of his time, and his duties as mayor must come first.

d. Recent poll numbers convinced him his chances of winning the Democratic nomination were slim.

4) How is Moriarty hoping to heal the wounds of DWI victims’ families?

a. By erecting a monument to DWI victims.

b. With a new center for grief counseling.

c. By giving residents’ a public forum to discuss their concerns about the issue with local government officials.

d. With a controversial new tax credit designed to ease the financial burden caused by the loss of a loved one.

Answer Me This


1) C. The
school and the Army insist the mandatory assembly last week about how to choose the right goals in life was not a recruiting pitch. But some parents disagree and say the school should either not make these assemblies mandatory or give organizations that promote alternatives to military service an opportunity to speak with their children.

2) D. Deputies are investigating the origins of the jaw bone, which, they say, could be from an ancient burial.

3) B. In a statement issued last week,
Chavez announced, "While I deeply appreciate all the support I have received, it has become very clear to me that Democrats should not be divided in the upcoming election. … It is crucial to the future of New Mexico and this country that a Democrat become the next U.S. Senator. A hotly contested primary, as this one certainly could be, would likely dramatically weaken the Democratic nominee and place the general election in jeopardy… To that end, I pledge my full support for Tom Udall for U.S. Senate, and I encourage all New Mexicans to support Tom as well.”

4) A. The
"DWI Memorial of Perpetual Tears" is the nation’s first memorial to traffic fatalities caused by drunk drivers. Sonja Britton of Moriarty got the idea after her 30-year-old son, Monty Bryan Britton, was killed by a drunk driver near Durango, Colo., in 1991. The memorial features 914 metal tombstones symbolizing DWI deaths in New Mexico over the last five years, as well as Santa Fe artist Rosie Sandifer’s sculpture depicting a girl lying across her mother’s lap while the mother reads to her.
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