Answer Me This

Simon McCormack
2 min read
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Where was a convicted sex offender living? Who just got rearrested? The Rio Grande Zoo will have to do without … . And what percentage of youths have driven with an impaired adult at the wheel, according to a UNM survey?

1) A sex offender told authorities he was living …

a. In an abandoned building

b. In an apartment next to an elementary school

c. In a house near a Little League field

d. Next door to the sex offender registration headquarters

e. Both A and D

2) Police rearrested …

a. An ax murderer

b. A pedophile

c. A rapist

d. A drug kingpin

3) The Rio Grande Zoo won’t be getting …

a. A Tasmanian devil

b. Additional food vendors

c. A panda

d. Rideable tortoises

4) What percentage of high school students say they’ve been in a car with an impaired adult behind the wheel, according to a UNM study?

a. 24 percent

b. 51 percent

c. 65 percent

d. 72 percent

Answer Me This


1) E. A convicted homeless sex offender checked in with police and told them he was living
right next door in an abandoned building. Police searched the structure and found four other residents, bottles of urine and feces on the wall. The building’s landlord says he plans to tear the structure down.

2) A. A convicted
ax murderer was arrested after police say he violated a restraining order filed by his sister. She alerted authorities, who took him into custody. He was convicted of murdering his mother and 6-year-old nephew in 1989.

3) C. The Chinese government told city officials there will be
no pandas coming to the Rio Grande Zoo. The Chinese decided not to send more pandas to the United States, Albuquerque officials say. The city spent $56,000 over more than two years trying to bring a panda or pandas to Albuquerque. The cash paid for trips to China and legal fees, as well as other expenses.

4) B. A UNM study found that 51 percent of high schoolers have been in a car driven by an
impaired adult. Data from Albuquerque High, Rio Grande High and Albuquerque Academy students also found that the more often a teen had ridden with an impaired adult, the less risky the teen viewed that behavior. According to the study, 68 percent of the time the impaired adult was a family member. The statistics are based on responses from more than 1,000 students.
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