Answer Me This: A Thief, A Star, A Scandalous Event And The Gop

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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1) What did a Gallup burglar do with the jewelry he stole?

a. He sold it to a pawn shop.

b. He wore it all at once to his cousin’s wedding.

c. He returned it with an apology note.

d. He baked it into a pie so police wouldn’t find it when they searched his house.

2) Which movie star lived in an Albuquerque house where a murdered man was buried?

a. Denzel Washington

b. Christian Bale

c. Jeff Bridges

d. Megan Fox

3) What event was not allowed in Albuquerque?

a. 300-Man Pie-Flinging Palooza!

b. Frankie on Fire: The One-Clown Pyrotechnics Show

c. Ku Klux Klan Convention and Comedy Tour

d. World Naked Bike Ride

4) The National Republican Party is gunning for which New Mexico politicians?

a. Gov. Bill Richardson and Lt. Gov. Diane Denish

b. Sens. Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman

c. Reps. Harry Teague and Martin Heinrich

d. Secretary of State Mary Herrera and Attorney General Gary King

Answer Me This


1) C. The thief
returned the jewelry after three years. Accompanying the goods was an unsigned apology letter. He wrote that many bad things had happened to him, including the death of his wife, after he broke into the house in 2007 and made off with $1,000 and about 12 pieces of jewelry. The note also said he’d like to pay back the money if he can.

2) B. When
Christian Bale was in town filming Terminator: Salvation in 2008, he lived on the property Michael Snyder’s body was excavated from earlier this month. Snyder, a mechanic, was missing for eight years. Albuquerque police discovered his remains buried in the yard.

3) D. The
city denied a permit to the local chapter of World Naked Bike Ride, a group that puts together events promoting cyclist awareness. City spokesman Chris Ramirez said ordinances prevent nude bike riding.

4) C. The Grand Old Party wants to claim the
Congressional spots of Teague and Heinrich, both first-term incumbents. The National Republican Congressional Committee put their challengers at the top of a list of candidates most likely to snag democratic House seats. The NRCC might make big contributions to the campaign of Jon Barela, Heinrich’s opponent.
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