Cones In The News

Laura Sanchez
2 min read
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Sandwiched between the Super Bowl and New Mexico's Democratic Presidential Caucus, playing opposite Bush's Budget of Ballooning Baloney, and going head-to-head with Punxsutawney Phil, the Feb. 2 City Ccouncil meeting adjourned in less than two hours.

Most bills were deferred, including a resolution dropping efforts to sue the state over the new Water Utility Authority until after the Legislature adjourns. A major economic development bill was deferred until after an Economic Summit planned for March 25-26.

Council President Michael Cadigan deferred his bill naming the city's representatives to a commission to draft another Albuquerque-Bernalillo County unification charter. Noting that several people whose names had been forwarded for the commission declined to serve, Cadigan recommended asking first. Several councilors urged that new people be appointed for “a fresh look” at the job.

At the administration's urging Cadigan “reluctantly deferred” a bill allowing alleyways behind residences. Alleys provide rear access to garages, so lots can be narrower without creating that fantabulous all-garage-all-the-time streetscape. The access system also reduces the required width of streets and slows traffic through neighborhoods.

Councilors approved a new meeting calendar that returns to the system of two regular meetings per month along with Land Use and Finance committee meetings, which are also open to the public but less formal. A bill passed that adopts land use assumptions that will be used to set development impact fees.

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