Council Watch: Fresh Eyes

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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The city has hired a new independent review officer to examine complaints against the Albuquerque Police Department. Robin Hammer was a prosecutor for 17 years in regional district attorneys offices and was a trial lawyer for the Judicial Standards Commission. She was nominated by Mayor Richard Berry and unanimously confirmed at the Monday, Aug. 20 meeting. She said she plans to work collaboratively with the Council, Police Oversight Commission, police chief and mayor to examine negative trends within APD and find solutions.

Councilor Debbie O’Malley introduced an amendment to the election code that would nix city requirements for voter IDs during the Nov. 6 election. She said the move could help make it possible for the Paseo del Norte interchange project to go before the voters. The issue was slated to be on the ballot, but whether it can legally be part of the general election is in question. O’Malley’s amendment will be heard at the Monday, Sept. 3 Council meeting.

The historic neon sign for El Vado Motel on Central will be restored with $6,500 from a National Park Service grant and another $6,500 from the city.

Council Watch:

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The next meeting is set for 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 3, in the Council Chambers in the basement of City Hall. You can also view it on GOV TV 16 or at

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