Neither rain nor snow nor sleet kept more than a hundred people away from the Monday, Dec. 19 Council meeting.Rolling back the city’s energy conservation code drew the crowd for more than two hours of discussion during a statewide blizzard. The Council was weighing a measure that would replace strident, eco-friendly building regulations with the state’s more relaxed 2009 energy code [“Building Code Backpedal,” Oct. 6-12].Folks also showed up to comment on the fate of Albuquerque’s public access TV. The contract for channels 26 and 27 was taken away from Quote … Unquote, Inc., the nonprofit that’s operated them for 30 years. A company called uPUBLIC was awarded the gig instead. But given the storm, the Council pushed back discussion of the issue.Outgoing Council President Don Harris ran his last meeting, noting that his time as council president was the peak of his political career. Councilor Trudy Jones will take up the president’s gavel with Councilor Debbie O’Malley acting as vice president. Councilor Dan Lewis will step in as budget chairman.The Council pared down the agenda significantly due to the weather. The controversial reappointment of Independent Review Officer William Deaton was postponed.
Council Watch:
The next meeting is set for 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 4, in the Council Chambers in the basement of City Hall.
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