Council Watch: We’ll Get Around To It

Laura Sanchez
1 min read
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The Monday, Aug. 17 meeting opened with a stunner— Councilor Sally Mayer announced she had removed her name from the October election ballot. Mayer said she would be moving to Chicago in January for six months to a year. Mayer said her daughter’s family needed her. “My son-in-law has been a wonderful stay-at-home dad but now he has a job,” and the working couple needs Grandma to babysit. Mayer’s decision leaves one District 7 candidate still on the ballot and one write-in candidate, neither of whom she endorses.

The Council unanimously approved Councilor Don Harris’ bill setting aside $400,000 in Open Space money to acquire land in the Tijeras Arroyo. The parcel helps create a wildlife corridor and preserve the watershed. Councilor Michael Cadigan was excused.

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