Parents today are trying to work from home, navigate the system, and home school with no real direction. However, this is new territory and it can be overwhelming. This is where we step in to make your job a little easier. Take a deep breath and relax, because we got you covered.Weekly Alibi has taken the guesswork out of home schooling with a comprehensive list of resources for learning at home. This is just a sample of the overflowing fountain of knowledge available at your fingertips.
A good place to start on the path to learning, both as a student and a parent, is our very own Albuquerque Public Schools web site. It is a wealth of information and resources to help begin your journey. Take the time and check out all this site has to offer. Helpful areas of interest are the Curriculum and Instruction page where you will find core-based curriculum for all grade levels; The student-meal pick-up list is next on the list. Here you can find the school nearest you to pick up pre-made lunches for all school-aged children. If you don’t have access to a printer or online capabilities, the city is also making efforts to have printed packets available for at home learning for pick up as well. On this list is an important resource for those who have children with learning disabilities. The Google document has links for easy reader books, kid-friendly news articles, and even has resources for talking to children with Autism about Coronavirus.
Our next stop takes us to New Mexico PBS. This is a great place for learning for all students and is a treasure trove of information for parents. Make sure to check out the interactive lessons for grades K-12 on PBS LearningMedia. Here you will find videos and tutorials on every subject needed to keep you on track. For additional learning services you won’t want to miss the opportunity to teach your children Native culture through storytelling and other content. Vision Maker Media, through partnership with PBS, are offering Native storytelling and content complete with lesson plans and discussion guides, all for free![photo]
NMPBS and APS Teaming Up
It was just released that Albuquerque Public Schools has partnered with NMPBS to bring APS @HOME. The initiative is available to all students, K-5. This at-home learning classroom will begin broadcasting on your local PBS station on April 6, 2020 at 8 a.m. every weekday morning during closure.Lessons are broken into clusters with English on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Math and Science on Tuesday and Thursday. This will enable all students to resume lessons in key-topics determined by APS. Each lesson can be watched on local channel 5.1 or viewed 24/7 on the APSExpectGreatThings YouTube channel. Remember, Weekly Alibi is here finding ways to support our community during the Coronavirus pandemic. As always, stay safe and wash your hands.