I Want A Man

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Much more to a man’s body than his face and his penis. Much more to a man than his body. I want a man honest and dependable, passionate and forgiving, both humble and confident. I want a lean, muscular, healthy man who smokes no cigarettes, drinks no booze and uses no illegal drugs. I want a man not addicted to money, not hooked on buying crap no one needs—a man who enjoys living simply, far below the U.S. poverty line and the federal income taxable level to boycott this empire’s greed and wars.

I want a man with no shame, no hang-ups, no guilt about sex and romance with men. I want the man with whom I make love at night to have the balls to warmly hug and kiss me in public in the daytime. Why have sex with any man ashamed to be seen with me?

I want a man who lives naked at home and mostly naked elsewhere when warm enough. I want a man who gardens, sunbathes, walks much and exercises vigorously every day. I want a man not chained by what people think and say, a nonviolent man who plays deaf to stupid insults on the street, like "faggot" or "put on some clothes." A man always committed to the good of all people and our Mother Earth. I want a man who converses heart-to-heart, deep, real, personal, a man who prefers silence to shallow talk, a man who freely sheds tears of sorrow and affection. I aim to be this kind of man I want. I aim to live this way myself.

My strong attraction to a certain man in no way guarantees his attraction to me. I aim to respect his right to turn me down romantically—with no forcing, no begging, no pouting and no chasing. I treasure mutually passionate romance with a man, but I will
not , for any man on earth, surrender or compromise my war tax refusal, my living simply, my having no car, my only all-raw vegan food, my urine therapy, my much walking and vigorous daily exercises, my naked body freedom, my strong public strands of conscience.

Speaking and living the truth as best I see it ranks above sex and romance with any man on Earth!

Major Bass

[RE: News Bite, “Minor Chords,” June 1-7]

Relief from the irritating noise of train whistles is on the way, is it? Who cares? Let’s talk about boom cars. Here is a rough sketch of a noise ordinance provision for them. Go ahead and cite the driver for noise ordinance violations (that’s audible noise at a greater distance than 25 feet from the vehicle). Require that the driver of the vehicle carry his receipt or bill of sale for the sound equipment in the car, doubled fine if he doesn’t have it. Cite the seller for contributing or conspiring to disturb the peace. The trains we can live with.

What’s So Excellent?

When I heard that Mary Hererra was running for secretary of state, my first thought was: "What, has she done all she can in screwing up Bernalillo County elections and is ready to move on to the bigger challenge of screwing up elections on a statewide level?" Therefore, I was stunned to read in the Alibi ‘s "Bowling For Candidates" article that the writer call Mary Hererra an "excellent" candidate. Perhaps the writer doesn’t know the meaning of the word "excellent," or perhaps they didn’t take the time to do even the most basic research into the candidate. Is this the same Mary Hererra that has bungled getting the results of nearly every major election since taking office? Is it the same Mary Hererra that made Bernalillo county a laughing stock to the rest of the nation, by not being able to get the closely contested 2004 election results until four days after the election was over? Is this the same Mary Hererra that has fought vociferously against having a verifiable paper trail on our voting machines? That may be the Alibi’ s definition of "excellent,” but it certainly isn’t mine!

Fluent Truants

I was really amazed at the letter submitted to your May 25-31 edition by the eighth graders at Harrison Middle School [Letters, “Our Friends”]. Reading it, I have to wonder if all local rules and laws and national rules and laws have just gone out the window. Locally, does APS have any rules at all and, if they do, are they ever enforced?

These kids brag that their school had the highest absentee rate in the district, as they were apparently all off demonstrating. What rules does APS have regarding truancy? Somehow I am sure that there were no consequences nor disciplinary action taken in regards to this blatant truancy. I am sure staff at Harrison, like Mr. Chavez, grinned and winked and looked the other way. Then they say they were off (truant) to demonstrate for "immigration rights." Newsflash, students: Legal immigrants already have rights. Let’s say it like it was … you were off supporting lawbreakers.

Finally, the real tear-jerking stuff, illegals in the neighborhood the students come from … some illegals with 13- and 14-year-old kids. Amazing. These illegals have lived in Albuquerque at least 10 years, breaking the laws (U.S. Code), having kids and never bothered to apply for citizenship in all that time? How did they deal with Social Security and the IRS all that time … with a stolen or illegal Social Security number? Or phony tax returns?

Since local and national rules and laws no longer apply to APS students nor illegal lawbreakers, may I pick and choose which laws I wish to obey? If I’m summoned to a court, maybe I will just ditch it and play truant.

Democracy In The Classroom

As retired educators, we want to congratulate the Harrison Middle School Administration as well as Mr. Chavez, and his eighth-grade advisory class, for the report on their class study of the congressional immigration bill [Letters, “Our Friends,” May 25-31]. To know that these young people are 1) learning about crucial issues facing our nation, 2) thinking through possible solutions to our common problems, and 3) expressing their feelings, concerns and solution-oriented ideas is exciting indeed. This process represents excellent participation in a democratic society.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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