Kindness In The Time Of Coronavirus

In The Hard Times We Face, The Community Has Found Ways To Come Together

Dan Pennington
4 min read
Gobble This Old Towwn Cafe
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It might be easy to feel defeated right now. There’s little you can do to escape the constant barrage of information that is coming at you, a dark reminder of the struggles everyone in the world is going through. There will be changes coming because of it, no doubt, but it’s times like these that we need to coalesce around an idea. It’s hard to act like nothing is wrong, and we shouldn’t, but we can remember that human kindness and ingenuity will always come through. With the space we have, we’d like to honor some of the people who have made magic happen during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Editorial Gobble This

Gobble This Old Towwn Cafe
Gobble This, a fantastic Old Town eatery, has been offering trade for food as of late. Knowing checkbooks are tight, this system of bartering has allowed both parties to find benefit in times of financial stress. The best part is, their food is unmatched in taste. We covered them last year during our Taco Week, and found the offerings they brought to the table to be some of the best in the city. They have been working to support locals as best they can, and if you have the means to support them back in any capacity, it is worth reaching out.

Editorial Nick & Jimmy’s, Kap’s Coffee Shop

Nick and Jimmy’s Restaurant
For both restaurants of the Kapinson family, outreach to the community became a priority for them as they began offering free boxed lunches to those in need. Knowing how ingrained they have become in the food side of things in the city, it’s been amazing to see them step up and offer this right now, and is a fantastic sign of things to come to them in the future. Their food has always been amazing at both locations, offering variety with high-end ingredients to satisfy almost every food desire you have.

Editorial Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown Gage Skidmore
The star of Stranger Things donated $20,000 worth of meals to The Food Depot in Santa Fe. With Santa Fe being the location of filming for their next season, it makes a lot of sense for the donation to come from Millie Bobby Brown, as she’ll be spending a lot of her time there in the coming months once quarantine time is done. It’s great to see that she’s taken a step up to help locations everywhere that are being affected, and if anything, has given us another reason to continue watching and supporting the show.

Editorial Chisolm Trail Rv

Chisolm Trail RV, a local business in both Albuquerque and Aztec, NM has dug into their own pockets to create care packages for those in need. Initially doing their work to create boxed lunches, they ended up deciding that more help was needed and began making full on care packages instead. Filling the boxes with toilet paper, snacks, water and food, they’ve managed to make over 50 boxes for people in need, and plan to continue doing so until things are back to normal. If you want to assist them in helping compile these boxes, you’re encouraged to reach out to them at 296-1800.

Gobble This Old Towwn Cafe

Nick and Jimmy’s Restaurant

Millie Bobby Brown

Gage Skidmore

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