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Correction: Last week’s issue of the Alibi [March 12-18] included errors in the Community Calendar regarding free services on the Rail Runner and free events at the Convention Center on St. Patrick’s Day. This information was incorrect. The Alibi regrets the errors and any confusion they may have caused.

Letters A New Day

The article in the March 12-18 issue regarding “lost” buildings [Feature, “The Albuquerque of Yesterday, Yesteryear and Yore”] was interesting and highlights an important part of Albuquerque’s past. There is one building, however, which survives and is in productive use every day.

At Manzano Day School, we use the building known as La Glorieta for administrative and other purposes. It was built in the 1600s, purchased by Franz Huning in the 1860s and given to his daughter, Clara Fergusson, for living quarters for her family. Her children Erna and Harvey, well-known authors, were born and raised in it.

Our board of trustees continues to value this ancient structure. We make significant investments to ensure its future will be as long and healthy as its past.

Letters Park It

Last Friday afternoon, parking my car along Central in Nob Hill, I forgot to purchase a parking pass from the mid-block kiosk.

Returning an hour later, I noticed a slip of paper underneath the wiper.
Oh no! I groaned inwardly. How much will the fine be? I pulled out the paper.

It wasn’t a parking ticket. It was a parking pass, bought only 20 minutes before.

Some kind soul had walked by, noticed my naked dashboard and did the grandest thing any human can do—kindness for a stranger. Wow! Thank you!

Inspired and now passing it forward,

Letters Vertical Limit

Today is my 27 th birthday. I had a relaxing day. I got up, had some breakfast with a mimosa, had some lunch and finished off dinner with a beer. If I had wanted, I could have gone to the bar last night. (I didn’t, because I’m an old man like that.)

Two and a half months from now, my youngest brother will turn 21. His birthday, unfortunately, falls on a Sunday this year, just like mine. However, because of some new rules in Albuquerque, he won’t be able to engage in the time-honored tradition of going out to celebrate his 21
st . Why not? He has a vertical license now, just like most (all?) people under 21. And bars in Albuquerque don’t accept vertical licenses.

Why not? There’s no good answer to that question. Are vertical licenses harder to forge? I asked some people who honed the craft in college and they said no. Is it harder to tell when the actual birth date is on a vertical license? That answer is obviously “no” upon a glance. So why do we have this rule? At best it smacks of ridiculous opportunism (and collaboration) between local businesses and local government; and at worst, it’s cronyism of the worst kind. My brother can’t go to the DMV to get a new horizontal license on Saturday, even if he wanted to pony up the fee for a new one, because he won’t yet be 21. And the bars won’t let him in after midnight on Saturday even if he were to use that technicality, because they don’t accept his ID. Why? No one I’ve spoken to has had an actual answer.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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